full attention.

      To be completely candid and transparent this year is something I am ready to see behind me. The last two years actually have been quite a blender of emotions. 
Good and bad. 
* I got married to my best friend and it was such a magical day! We were truly blessed with family and friends to urge us on in our union and support what God had put together.
* I graduated Rhema Bible Training Center. After two years as a Biblical Studies major my time was up and it was time to recieve my diploma. Graduations are always bittersweet in my eyes. They are a joyful occasion of accomplishment and pride and then they do a turn right around and slap you with the reality that this chapter is over. Alot of my friends were moving back home after graduation, going back to their roots and some staying here in town. It was such a weird feeling; to be in  a place that was starting to become my home but still not my ‘home’, my memories and my world.
* Over-worked and stressed beyond belief at a different job I found out my Grandpa had passed away. The news shook my world and I felt completely beside myself. My Grandpa was my best friend, he was the joy in our family and the glue that held it together. To me he was the hope–no matter how many other family members still needed to come to Christ– my Grandpa had a heart for them and was such an incredible man who loved God. For months I cried myself to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night crying. That has been one of the hardest things to have happened in my life.
* Absolutely blessed with a new job, at a new company, closer to my home with benefits! I stepped out in faith and believe God for the change and he came through! (like He always does) Since July, I have been promoted twice and have had such favor with my employer and Supervisors. I’m getting ready to transit to working from home this January and am more than enthralled!
* Gary’s (my husband) Grandma Jo passed away, Gary was admitted to the ER for heart pain, and my mother-in law Diane had a mild heart attack. To say that the enemy was trying to steal our joy and happiness is an understatement. We had just attended Mama Jo’s,as we called her, 60th wedding anniversary in Houston,TX with the family and celebrated Gary’s birthday! Time flies so fast and as I age in years I realize how each moment is truly precious.
   I want to start fresh this year. I know how good my ‘intentions’ are on resolutions each year–but I want more out of this life and want more of a life change. 
Really I want to begin and maintain some different life ‘habits’.
2013 for me is going to be labeled “full attention”. I want God to have more of my full attention. I want my job to have more of my full attention. I want my husband to have more of my full attention and I want the relationships in my life with friends and family to have my full attention. 2013 has to be uncommon for me, and I want it to stretch me out of my comfort zone. I’m not anywhere near done growing in God and just in life. I’m already preparing for the changes that need to take place. I bought two new worship CD’s to enjoy in my house and car…I hardly ever listen to anything other than Hillsong United or Bethel. I just want that worship music in my spirit day in and day out.  My car is always my prayer closet, it’s my safe haven where God and I meet, I absolutely love it! 
So I added Bethel’s new CD/DVD combo  ‘For the sake of the World’ and Deluge’s ‘Swell’ to my collection and I’m really pumped to begin my Beth Moore “Mercy Triumphs” devotional that’s being delivered today. 
What a perfect time to begin a new devotional,huh?
For Christmas I bought Gary Tony Dungy’s Uncommon Life Devotional, so he’s going to be starting afresh too! I’ve realized more than often how this year God has taken more of a back seat in my life. That’s just not okay with me. So, I’m getting back to my communion with Him and I’m so stoked for this new adventure and for another year to be fully committed to Him.
What are you committing to God this year? Are there any resolutions/intentions pressed upon your heart for this year?
Welcome 2013.
May your full attention be on God!

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